We went for a gathering with Xfresher for a bowling day out.
My fav radio station Xfresh la. This is my first time joining them, newbie lg dgn geng xfresher. but they are all friendly n ceria la.
The event supposingly everyoe should gather around 1 o'clock . I was in a rush since that morning Pak Long came to my house . Bringing his new son in law to our home.
So i was in a rush la to move that time....went and pickup Mr Amir.
Speed up along the NPE highway. phew...lucky us there wasnt much traffic at sunway .
We reach at Mid Valley in the nick of time. I think this is like my 3rd or 4th time to Mid Valley this year. Not really my fav place to go on weekends. Since it is crowded like hell there. Parking also not that easy to get.
Haih..okay back to the Xfresher day out story.
got there. and sign up at counter ..where bro kimie was taking attendance of the ppl and also collecting $
I gotta meet up with all the ppl that i only knew their nickname b4 this. Now i already know them in person =)
they were friendly la.. we all later gotta draw to know in which group that we are in.
i was with kak leen ..amir was with bro kidrow n iqram.
1st there was the kek cutting caremony for the xfresher who's celebrating b'day in December..
Then the game starts after that.
OMG ....my 1st game suck badly...bola asyik pegi kiri lane je..
wasnt adapt to the lane yet...also i had to use 13lb n 14lb ball. The 12lb no more la.
So many people using it.
1st game i got 91 points. Kinda sad la. My side of lane . it was kinda quiet la. compare to amir side. got DJ adi n others. Kecoh abis la they all.
okie..next to my lane was Dj Rizal =D
he braught along his son Danish if i'm not mistaken
Dj Rizal terer juga. After he got the 11lb ball he was on fire.
So my final score for the 3 game was
1st game :- 91pts
2nd game:-129pts
3rd game:-160pts
end of the game was the prize giving ceremony and also ..later we had pic taking
and also mkn ..some of them rush home. =P
on myway to the bowling alley
yea!!! dah sampai !!!
kaunter pendaftaran
with iqramramli
from left:-kak sally,kak leen, en macho n me !! =D
cenderahati utk event ni
b'day cake xfresher yg b'day bln december
amir in action ...1st game he kalahkan me =( but total i win him =D
wah ...lane glow in the dark ;)
with dj-Rizal XF =D
eh nape ngan adi ni...melebarkan sayap ke? =P
adi gelak sampai kecut perut
From left:- amir, danish, Dj Rizal XF, DJ adi XF and Me !!
Adi tgk perut pulak..aduh..ckp diriku adik beyoncit =D
amir with silly faces =P
our champion for the day bro azreen
geng Xfresher =)
nyebok dlm pic gurls neh ..
faizomk n me
1 comment:
arghh mn gambar atie?wkakaka
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