woke up early in the morning..haven't get my gudnite sleep ..but i slept la..juz not a solid sleep.. =S
this happens when im in semester break.
Had my breakfast, then send my mom to her office. It's in PJ, menara PKNS. but now she's no longer there. just got promoted n transfered to Wisma Bernama. yea for my mom. but sadly the office is much further than the current one.
after sending my mom.
Got home, buzz fify coz the day b4 al ready promised him that today we are going to Nilai. To check out my new home. Soon to be la, not planning to move yet.
I gotta go there coz had to pick up the bills since the water and electric bills are running.
Pick-up Fify at his home then went and pick-up Amir. Amir was clueless where we were heading to. Because i told Fify not to tell him about where we are going. The road to my new home is kinda far away la...around 30 mins or so can reach there.
Amir really didn't have any clue on where we were heading. We told him that we are going to PD to have a dip. =P
sorry bro abt messin with ya that day.
We arrive to the housing area. Got inside and check the whole house to make sure that everything is alright. Seems kinda dusty.
Tour around and show my fellow friends on the house. Then i took the bill and we moved out back to Subang.
It was lunch time, we were damn hungry since the journey kinda far and it was a really hot day. Amir slept along the way back to subang. Back in subang, and we went to our fav place !!!
where else, the Summit USJ la. we gave a quote for the summit "Segalanya ada di Summit". For us it is a perfect mall, to dine, to play, to shop, buy pirate CD =P, all also got. So don't have to go far. The downside is only that it doesn't look as good as OU or Mid Valley la. But good enough for us.
Had our lunch at Mc Donalds, than later as usual for us. To stop by the arcade and have few rounds playing daytona and other arcade game.
Fify and me already had promise to had our hair cut that day. I was unsure yet, to cut spikey like i normally do or perhaps just shave it off. We went out of summit, then head to the barber shop. Then Fify already know that he wants to do Botak. As for me, i was unsure yet. and yes he did convince me to do Botak.
Haha...sat in the chair and told the barber. BOTAK please =P
Amir took photos of us having our hair shave of our head. While i was having my hair shave. I ask amir, don't you want to join us ?
I mean being botak la. baru la geng like this. he was like unsure and felt the preassure =P
He said no money that time.(just a reason to escape). So i said i loan you the money. and I double dared him to do botak with us =D
What can I say, I was able to convince him to go BOTAK with me n Fify.
We laugh at each other in the barber shop. haih...
sakit perut wei...me being the most funny looking. Fify is already used to being BOTAK already. Amir actually looks kinda good botak also .
After have our hair shave, went back to Amirs place and hang out for a while. While waiting for my mom to pick me up. Fify played the semi-acoustics guitar amir have at his home. while i tried the Need For Speed Pro Street. since i could not play it at my laptop due it doesn't support la.
My mom called I wen't and pick her up. When she got into the car. I can see clearly that she was trying not to laugh at me =P
then she ask, why the sudden move on going BOTAK. Hehe..peace !!!
Got home, and took my bath, later I sat infront of my laptop uploading th pics amir took today. Okie..than my dad got home..
I went down to great him and salam him. He was as predicted shocked. Kinda marah a bit la.
He said...why la you BOTAK your head. Not nice la, aiyo...better of with your hair. Dah la montel then BOTAK lg =P
Huhu...can't believe my father actually care about my hair also. hihi...now i know that he likes me being so concern about my looks n stuff.
That was my day ..
Here are the pic for the day :-
looking out if the window from my future bedroom =D
A shot of my home to be by Mr Amir
Me moments away before BOTAK
Fify moments before BOTAK (boleh msg2 lg)
Amir striking a pose for the camera before the journey to become BOTAK
My journey to being BOTAK
Fify Journey to become BOTAK
Amirs journey to become BOTAK (this pic buat amir nampak mcm botak tgh =P)
Fify BOTAK !!
Amir BOTAK !!
Finally me BOTAK !!
The BOTAK geng
striking a pose
BOTAK being ganas =P